Double-sided handbag for girls

This small double-sided handbag for girls is perfect for everyday use. Handbags can be matched with different clothes. Bright-colored fabric will go well with plain clothes, and the side of one-color fabric will go well with variegated dresses.

The handbag for girls has a pocket with an appliqué on the one-colored fabric, which gives the handbag a finished look. The other side of the handbag does not have pockets because its character is reflected in the bright-colored fabric.


To make this cute shoulder bag you will need:

  • One-color cotton fabric 150 cm x 35 cm
  • Bright-colored elastic tricot fabric 150 cm x 35 cm
  • Thin iron-on fleece interfacing 33cm x 44cm
  • Sewing thread white (120 no.) and dark blue (120 no.)


The instructions below provide the measurements for cutting out pattern pieces and the main steps for sewing the double-sided handbag for girls.

Cutting out pattern pieces

Here, you can find all the pattern pieces and their dimensions. All dimensions are shown with sewing allowances. If not indicated otherwise, take a 1.5 cm seam allowance for all seams.

The photo shows a detail already cut out of iron-on fleece interfacing and glued on one fabric. The dimensions are also mentioned here. In total, you will need two details from one fabric and two details from another fabric.

Sewing the double-sided handbag for girls

Step 1. When everything was cut out, we got two parts of the mottled fabric and two of the plain color. Iron-on fleece is only glued to knitted variegated fabric because it stretches.

Step 2. Make a pocket from a one-color fabric and attach an appliqué from a colored fabric. The application form can be different. Embroider the edges with a zigzag stitch. The pocket dimensions are also shown in the drawing.

Step 3. The pocket was sewn on one of the one-color fabric pieces as shown in the photo below.

Step 4. Make the seams indicated by the white dotted line for all four pieces at the bottom. One detail has two seams. You will get 8 stitches in total. The sewing parameters are also shown in the picture. Then, put all four pieces together right sides and sew the outer edges together.

Step 5. Turn the sewn pieces of colored fabric outside and turn the sewn pieces of one-color fabric inside. Put all the parts together neatly and sew the handles from the inside as shown in the picture with pointed needles for whiteheads. Then turn over to sew the handles on the other side. We do this because it will be easier to border edge with the trip.

Step 6. Cut a 3 cm edging strip from the colored elastic tricot fabric. It stretches well and is suitable for edging. Choose white thread for edging. First, sew the edging tape onto the colored side of the fabric. Then fold the tape to the other side of the fabric and finish the border edge.

All beginners can sew it. Girls will love to match this handbag with their outfits.
